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Technical Design

Where your product idea and our technical resources come together

What is Technical Design?

This is the stage of Product Development where we create a set of industrial cutting and sewing instructions to communicate individual fabric handling, construction requirements and design details to the team who will be working on samples.

We base technical decisions on requirements supplied by client and put it all together into one cohesive set of instructions.

The main advantage of Sewing Incubator Technical Design is that our team has access to every program, file, machine and resource available at our factory to come up with the most straight forward way to organize the information

Technical Design Process

Once we receive a reference sample, we’ll review design and function requirements with client to engineer the most suitable construction


Lead time 1 week
Flat Sketch
Technical Sketch
Detail Sketch
Point of measurement
Design Features


Lead time 1 week
Engineer optimal construction
Outline machine settings for optimal results
Identify best cutting method

Fit & Dimensions

Lead time 1 week
Fit first sample and issue adjustment comments
Base size sample measurement
Graded size sample measurement

Technical Design for Product Development Estimates

Every step of the development process represents a variable that will influence project estimates and for this reason we offer two types of estimates

Online Service Estimator

To get the most accurate estimates online, the following information about each style should be readily available:
Consultation Assess the number of one on one consultation hours you’ll need to complete pattern making service
CAD Pattern Number of pattern pieces per style based on reference sample and Technical Design Specifications
CAD Grading Number of pattern pieces per style X number of sizes
Fabric Yield Number of total pattern pieces to be cut per style and fabric

Project Estimates

Project Estimates are available for up to 3 products and require that the following items are shipped to us in advance:
Reference Sample(s)
Labelled with style number for each style we'll be sampling for production estimate
Material Samples fabrics & trim
Materials you intend to use for sample development and manufacture
Completed Forms
1st Product Development estimate request & shipment content forms

Paper patterns (optional)
We’ll need to evaluate patterns to make sure they meet our industrial standards to qualify for digitizing

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